Sunday, December 03, 2006


Many of you will have noticed the daily calendar in the right-hand margin. This is merely a bit of Javascript that I added to the blog template and it automatically updates daily. I think that this is a wonderful thing to have. However, it would appear that, for the pre-Nativity fast, the good people who provide this service have chosen to change the text to purple (save for Sundays, which remain red), making reading the text very difficult. As I have no control over the colour of the text, I'm afraid that there's very little that I am able to do about this short of changing the background colour of my blog, which I would prefer not to do. Until the fast ends, it may well be worth just highlighting the text so that it appears clearly.

1 comment:

  1. In fact, I've decided to just get rid of it. If there's anybody who finds it helpful, you can still view it on my parish's home page. In the right-hand column, it is the third link under the title "ROCOR links".


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