Sunday, April 02, 2006

St Bertelin's Shrine

At long last, from the day before my baptism, here are some photos from my pilgrimage to St Bertelin's Shrine in the Church of the Holy Cross, Ilam, Staffordshire. There is a spring nearby, from which I fetched some water to add to the font the following day. I foolishly failed to photograph the well. Still, enjoy!

The Church of the Holy Cross

and again

An sealed Anglo-Saxon doorway

The belfry

The base of an Anglo-Saxon Cross

and another

The Chancel

The Shrine


  1. What a pretty church and shrine!

    Thanks be to God Cromwell left it in such good condition!

    Leetle M.

  2. It is lovely, isn't it? I think that the sanctuary decor is 19th century, and the shrine "table" is mediaeval, but the actual shrine beneath it, (which one can creep between the gaps and venerate) is original, as is most of the church. There is an Anglo-Saxon font which I also forgot to photograph.

    The church is in a village which is in the middle of nowhere, so I'm not surprised it survived. :-)

    Blessed be God!

  3. Glory to God! what a wonderful testement to the Orthodox heritage of the west (not to mention simple artistic beauty).

    Joe Zollars

  4. This is definitely going on my list of places to visit.......

  5. Elizabeth, the Antiochian Deanery organises an annual pilgrimage there. I've never been with them but Fr Samuel is really firendly and will answer any questions about when it is. He may even have some contacts of people from your area. If you prefer to go alone/with just the family, the church is always open during the day. :-)

    It's truly wonderful.

  6. ahem--Michael, you have been tagged. Check out my blog for details. Can't wait to read your answers. ;)

    Joe Zollars


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