Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Life Together

The Jewitt Family

Please welcome the Jewitt family to the blogosphere and pray for them during their catechumenate.

I stumbled across them completely by accident and started invading their blog with my inane ramblings, so I thought the least I could do was ask my ever-appreciated readers to join me in prayer for them.

Christ in our midst!


  1. God grant them many years!

    Joe Zollars

    PS: I'm loving this flurry of blog activity. Does this mean you got your computer back?

  2. Sadly, no, Joe. I'm using my housemate's. To be honest, I've written off the computer as a loss that I've just had to come to accept.

    At the end of the day, it was only a thing. :-)

    M x

  3. Whoa! No computer? I hope that changes.

    Cute kidlets in pic.

  4. Thanks, duchess. Yes, it happened last November when we were burgled. All very unsettling.

    They are lovely tots, aren't they? :-)


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