Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Holy New Martyr, Grand Duchess Elisabeth

Come, all ye that love Christ,
and let us offer up a hymn of praise
unto the martyred nun Elisabeth,

who was chosen by the Lord of hosts
to serve as an example of Christian piety and love
for those who desire to follow in his steps.
For, spurning the vanity of worldly possessions, ranks and cares,
she dedicated her whole life to the aid of those in need.
Wherefore, it hath pleased Christ our God
to crown her ascetic labours

with the diadem of martyrdom;
and, dwelling now in his heavenly kingdom,
she maketh supplication to God,
that He deliver from misfortune and peril
all who chant unto her with joy:

"Rejoice, O venerable martyr Elisabeth,
true model of Christian Sacrifice!"


  1. My late, great spiritual father used to tell us about her. They were all thrown together down an abandoned mine shaft, some of the martyrs just wounded, some dead. St. Elizabeth and her fellow-nun St. Barbara were not quite dead yet, so they tore their petticoats into strips, bandaged the wounds of the ones still clinging to life, and sang "Christ is Risen from the dead" until they died, long enough and loud enough that the Bolsheviks could hear, from the opening above the mine shaft, them singing until they drew their last breath.

    Beautiful icon, thanks Michael! I have one of both these martyred nuns.

    Leetle M.

  2. If Fr. Antony of eternal memory were still alive, I can assure you he'd be on these blogs and boards and nobody would ever be the same again!

    He could make you laugh, he could make you cry, he could make you holy.

    Leetle M.

  3. Her hagiography is linked to in the title of the post, and it's absolutely amazing. What a woman and saint!

    God is good.


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