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Monday, July 25, 2005

Places of pilgrimage

Fr Michael over at the Ely Forum kindly mentioned some holy places in Britain, associated with the lives of the Saints. Does anybody know of any such places in the North-west of England, which are associated with Saints of the pre-schism era, and to which a small pilgrimage of a few people may be made? It would be very good to know, as, at some point, I would like to arrange a trip to such a place, even if there is no permanent shrine.

Many thanks.


Anderson Marsh said...

Thought you might be intrested in this site:

I'm thinking of visting it myself one of these days.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid its just over the border in Scotland these days, but the mother church of the north-west of Britain, including the north-west of England is Ninian's Candida Casa, now the site of Whithorn Priory in Galloway. Which is still there, and I am told a wonderful place to visit.

Ninian was British (AKA Welsh), probably born in what is now Cumbria in the days when the English still lived in north Germany. A contemporary of St. Patrick. He was the first notable missionary to the Strathclyde Britons and the Picts & founded many churches, two generations before Columba and centuries before Augustine of Canterbury.

If you want specifically English saints I think you must cross to the East coast - the land of Aidan and Cuthbert and Caedmon and Bede isn't short of places of pilgrimage.