Saturday, June 18, 2005


The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. - Genesis 1:12

Meet Felicity.

I have never owned a plant before. I don't even know what type of plant she is, but she's very pretty. I purchased her on Thursday from a vendor who was visiting my place of work to sell his wares. I forgot to water her until Friday night when I noticed that she was looking a little weary, but she seems to be revived now. It may seem a little sad, but I'm really pleased, and she looks really at home on top of my bookcase.

Felicity - my first plant.


  1. Mumsie (who Knows This Sort of Thing) says it's a New Guinea hybrid Busy Lizzie.


  2. Aha!

    Thank you, rosamundi (and good to see you here). Perhaps I ought to have called her Lizzie, or Elizabeth, or perhaps even Betty.

    Still, I like Felicity.

    who still cannot believe that he has named a plant

  3. Thanks for the welcome.

    Felicity suits her, I think ;-) Besides, calling her Lizzie Busy Lizzie would be rather confusing.

    names her plants all the time

  4. Its a New Guinea Impatiants. A rather unusually colored one at that (for this side of the pond anyways). I'm somewhat of a collector of them.

    Joe Zollars


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