Monday, February 28, 2005

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow

Christ the Saviour

This shows the life of the cathedral, from its destruction to its rebuilding and consecration. Many thanks to Leetle Masha for pointing me in its direction.There is a link on the homepage, entitled 'English version', but unfortunately, the link appears to be broken.


  1. Sorry 'bout the "English" link.... but if you have RealPlayer (free download), you can view the videoarchive--the photos speak for themselves.

    I hope that everyone finds the "videoarchive" and also the "audioarchiv" which features the original choir of the cathedral, before the original church was blown up by the Bolsheviks. That choir, I guess, now sleeps beneath the snows of Siberia.

    Leetle Masha

  2. To see and hear the videos, simply go to and click on the pictures. Enjoy!

    Leetle M.

  3. And the audio archive, with music titles in English, can be found at

    Note that the word "index" was divided here and should be typed as one word, no space in the middle.

    Leetle M.

  4. And.... ta da!!! I finally found an English Version link that

    Please try it and report back here.


    Leetle M.

  5. Thanks, Leetle M.

    I'll change the link in the post title to the English version.

  6. You're welcome! I don't think the English version has as much material as the Russian version, but it does have the audio and video archives and some good written material on the history of the Cathedral and several features of the Cathedral as well, such as the Church of the Transfiguration, a "Lower Church" underneath the main church, where there are daily services and other activities.

    Best wishes, Leetle M.

  7. Michael, you have fixed the link brilliantly! Many thanks!

    Leetle M.


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