Monday, September 19, 2005


I discovered this yesterday while googling for information about the Feast of the Miracle of St Michael at Colossai, which falls today. What a good idea!

I have sent icons to all of the Michaels whose e-mail addresses I have and thought that I would share the link here.

Catechumenate - part the second

"Who like the Lord?", thunders Michael the Chief!

Well, I've been "done". I felt a mix of many emotions, from fear, inadequacy and uncertainty to joy and wrmth and love. It really was amazing. My sponsor, Dimitri, has recently completed an icon-writing course and the above is his first icon, which happened to be of the Holy Archangel Michael. I'm sure God interevened here.

He gave it to me. I was really touched by the fact that he was willing to part with his first ever, and it is such a beautiful thing. I venerated it there and then before receiving it. I'm so pleased.

It turns out we didn't spit in the end, but when we turned west we realised that the faithful had all moved aside, leaving a gap "just in case", which I found rather amusing.

I also took a friend along. He had never been to an Orthodox Liturgy before and I think was rather transported by the whole thing to another level. Let's see what becomes of the seed that this may have planted.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Caption time!

Cinderella's ugly step-sister (front right) storms off in disgust, having missed the bouquet.

I'm sorry, but this was just asking to be done. Feel free to post your captions.